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Aworg: Hero in the Sky is a 1991 platform game that was first available on the Sega Meganet online service, via the Game Toshokan device.
Aworg features an aerial hero who uses fans to keep airborne, and can also use these fans to push his enemies around. He also has a charge attack that can inflict damage.
The goal of each stage of the game, is to navigate safely around enemies and hazards to get a series of keys. These are required to open up the exit portal.
Aworg is highly momentum and physics based, somewhat similar to Lunar Lander. Players need to be careful they do not to drift into enemies or hazards whenever thrust is applied.
Enter = START
← → ↑ ↓ = LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN
Q W E = X / Y / Z
A S D = A / B / C
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