Ghouls n Ghosts

Arcade Arcade Classics Horror Arcade Games 23 Jan , 2017 3
Ghouls n Ghosts is a 1988 horror arcade classic game by Capcom. It is the sequel to Ghosts and Goblins, which was released in 1985.
There are five levels to get through and Lucifer's chamber at the end. To complete the game, Arthur must complete levels 1 to 5 twice.
When Arthur completes levels 1 to 5 the first time, he is taken back to level 1 once more. However, this time a special weapon appears during the game, which can only be collected if the player is wearing the gold armor.
To enter Lucifer's chamber the second and final time, Arthur must have this special weapon equipped and defeat the boss.
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Enter = START
← → ↑ ↓ = LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN
Q W E = X / Y / Z
A S D = A / B / C
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