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Golden Axe is a side scrolling fighting slasher game and was released by Sega in 1989. It was released on consoles and home computers such as the Sega Genesis, Amiga and C64.
Game Characters
The game focuses on three fantasy heroes. One of them is an axe wielding dwarf by the name of Gilius Thunderhead, from the mines of Wolud. Gilius Thunderhead's twin brother was killed by the soldiers of evil Death Adder. Then, there is a male barbarian, Ax Battler, who wields a two handed broadsword looking for revenge for the brutal murder of his beloved mother. And, lastly there is the longsword wielding Tyris Flare, an amazon whose parents were killed by the evil barbaric Death Adder.
Golden Axe was a very popular arcade game in the late 80's and 90's.