Pac Man (ms-dos)

Arcade Arcade Classics MS-DOS Games Arcade Games 18 Oct , 2019 0
This is one of the most popular computer games of the 1980's. Pac-Man is a little, yellow dot-munching ghost eater who works his way around to clear a maze of dots and fruit which populate the board.
Pac-Man is challenged by four ghosts. The shy blue ghost Bashful ("Inky"). The trailing red ghost Shadow ("Blinky"). The fast pink ghost Speedy ("Pinky"), and the forgetful orange ghost Pokey ("Clyde"). Collision with any of these ghosts means loss of a life.
Pac-Man can eat the ghosts after eating one of the four Power-Pills, which are located around the maze. During this time, the ghosts will turn blue, and Pac-Man can munch them for bonus points. However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time (and after each level you get less and less time) as the ghosts float back to the box at the center of the maze and regenerate.
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