
Action Arcade Arcade Classics Puzzles Arcade Games 18 Jan , 2017 3
Gauntlet is an arcade classic game by Atari released in 1985. It is noted as being one of the first multi-player dungeon crawl arcade games.
This game was mega popular back in the mid-80s. People spent a small fortune aimlessly killing enemies, yet there isn't an actual end to the game, is there ? If you know any better please send us a message and enlighten us.
We are still at a loss ! Still that said, it was and is still great fun ! Enjoy !
The game is set within a series of top-down, third-person perspective mazes where the object is to find and touch the designated exit in every level. An assortment of special items can be located in each level that increase the player's character's health, unlock doors, gain more points, and give magical potions that can destroy all of the enemies on screen.
Each player controls one of four playable fantasy-based characters: Thor, a warrior; Merlin, a wizard; Thyra, a valkyrie; or Questor, an Elf. The characters are named on the cabinet artwork, but in-game they are referred only by the title of their classes. Each character has his or her own unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, the warrior is strongest in hand-to-hand combat, the wizard has the most powerful magic, the valkyrie has the best armor, and the Elf is the fastest in movement. The characters are assigned by control panel in the four-player version, whereas in the two-player version each player selects their own character at the start of the game or while joining during the middle of play.
The enemies are an assortment of fantasy-based monsters, including ghosts, grunts, demons, lobbers, sorcerers, and thieves. Each enters the level through specific generators, which can be destroyed. While there are no bosses in the game, the most dangerous enemy is Death, who can only be destroyed by using a magic potion—otherwise Death will vanish automatically after it has drained a certain amount of health from the player.
As the game progresses, higher levels of skill are needed to reach the exit, with success often depending on the willingness of the players to cooperate by sharing food and luring monsters into places where they can be engaged and slaughtered more conveniently.
While contact with enemies reduces the player's health, health also slowly drains on its own, thus creating a time limit. When a character's health reaches zero, that character dies. The character can be revived in place with full health by spending a game credit—inserting a coin in the arcade—within a certain short time window after it died. This allows even the least proficient players to keep playing indefinitely, if they are willing to keep inserting coins. However, each player's final score will be divided by the amount of credits they used to play, resulting in an average.
Gameplay Source : Wikipedia
Click Here for more information about Gauntlet.
Enter = START
← → ↑ ↓ = LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN
Q W E = X / Y / Z
A S D = A / B / C
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don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it repeats layouts every so many levels and just increases the strength of the enemies. Although this was made before the days of procedural generation, it still had a procedural trick to allow for infinite play, at least for anyone that wasn’t paying enough attention or didn’t mind burning some cash 🙂
ReplyIs there a way to add credits to this or am I stuck with just one? Didn’t see a control listed in the control list?