Time Pilot

Arcade Arcade Classics Sci-Fi Shoot Em Up Arcade Games 26 Sep , 2016 2
Time Pilot is a multi directional scrolling, free roaming, aerial combat arcade game. This classic shoot 'em up was designed by Yoshiki Okamoto and released by Konami in 1982, and was distributed in the USA by Centuri.
You must attempt to travel through five different time periods, by rescuing the stranded fellow time pilots and destroying the mothership. Once you complete all five time periods, the levels start over again, but are faster and harder. 1910, 1940, 1970, 1982 and 2001 are the time periods you must conquer.
Get extra lives at 10,000 points, and then at every 50,000 while scoring up to 960,000. Thereafter, the game goes to "survival of the fittest" mode.
Click Here for more information about Time Pilot.
Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to direct your aircraft. SPACE BAR to FIRE.
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