Pro Moves Soccer

Pro Moves Soccer is a soccer video game developed by Danish studios BGS Developments and ZAT Productions and published by ASCII Entertainment for the Sega Genesis in North America. The game was released in 1993, and was based on the fictional Asciiware World Sports league.
Pro Moves Soccer features international level soccer matchups and customizable options. Matches can be anywhere from a length of a standard computer game soccer match (3 minute halves) to the length of an actual FIFA soccer match (45 minute halves).
Players can either play exhibition, World Cup, practice, or Eight Nations tournament (where eight nations compete to win the championship, making for shorter gameplay).
The game announcer's uses brief words and phrases to describe the action (i.e., kick-off, yellow card, red card, penalty shot, head shot, header, rainbow kick).
Pro Moves Soccer has a medium difficulty level and can be mastered with repeated gameplay.
Teams can choose to concede from either of the tournaments at any time without dire consequences.
Different weather conditions can be activated on the option screen; including sunny days in addition to cloudy days, rainy days and snowy days.
Fouls can be deactivated in order for less experienced player to tackle the opposition without the fear of either a yellow card or a red card.
Injuries can appear in the game as a result in rough play. Being tackled an excessive number of times can also cause a player to get injured. Failure to substitute an injured player results in him losing his abilities for the remainder of the game.
Main Source : Wikipedia
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